May 3, 2017 | General Dentistry
Flossing: how important is it? | Preventative dentistry. Illuminada Dental, Edmonton Growing up, we were all probably reminded quite frequently to brush and floss every day. But, if everyone were to be honest, it would be clear that most of us skip flossing from time...
May 3, 2017 | Cleaning and Prevention, General Dentistry
Tips for dealing with dry mouth | Illuminada Dental, dentistry on Jasper Ave, Edmonton Xerostomia, or “dry mouth,” affects a large number of the patients we see. Thankfully, there are many effective remedies that can provide relief from the unpleasant...
May 3, 2017 | General Dentistry
Illuminada Dental | Edmonton Dentist Welcome to Illuminada Dental! We are conveniently located at 11911 Jasper Ave, a few doors down from the Starbucks and 5 minutes from downtown Edmonton. Our caring staff strive to make our office a relaxing environment for our...